Saturday, November 9


I was also a busy-bee making a surprise gift for my best friend who after 10 years of dating was finally engaged to her beau. I could only think of one way to give them something that was personal and special- a "coat of arms" if you will of their relationship thus far.

And of course it features bacon.

The only downer is in my excitement I totally forgot to take a scan or a really good photo of the piece! So enjoy this blurry little selection! And congrats to Anisha & Justin.

Framed and everything! Oolala!

Being a PRO.

I attended an Opportunity Fair at my alma mater the Pratt Institute today and had some promo pieces made up for it! Loooooook.

Nothing says being a professional ready for hire better than a postcard with a hairy cactus. Trust me. 

Postcards & Resumes

I also made a little book to give away. Did you know you can easily make an 8-page booklet out of one sheet of paper? I originally learned this in a book-making course at Pratt. Easy to do and a nice little token! Here's a simple instructional site you can follow:

Interior & Finished Product

Aww, little fleet.

It was nice to step back onto the Pratt campus! Though I'm still in Brookyln and not that far away it's been a while since I saw my favorite rat sitting on his laurels. :)

Old stomping grounds

Hey buddy.
All in all a great day. Met some great creatives and hopefully future coworkers. Use your resources, kids. And you know, chins up, follow your dreams.